Uphold Gov. Wolf's veto of anti-climate action bill

Last fall, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) proposed that the state would enter into one of the nation’s most successful climate change pollution programs, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (commonly known as RGGI). But instead of embracing this important action, politicians in Harrisburg responded by passing legislation -- House Bill 2025 -- to strip the DEP’s authority to set safeguards to reduce carbon pollution and to keep PA out of RGGI. Governor Wolf vetoed this outrageous proposal, but now, anti-environmental legislators are threatening to override it in the upcoming weeks.

Email your state representative and state senator and ask them to defend Gov. Wolf’s veto of HB 2025 so we can take steps towards tackling the climate crisis.

Subject: A vote for HB2025 is a vote for more climate pollution. Uphold its veto.